News Archive
Next Stage for Infill
Edmonton Planning Department is contemplating some comprehensive changes to the Zoning Bylaws this year. In fact, between 2018 & 2021, city administration will be doing a thorough overhaul of the Zoning Bylaws. As you know, any changes to the Zoning Bylaws will affect all Edmonton communities.
- At the March 13th, 2018 Urban Planning Committee, city administration will present amendments that would permit secondary suites in semi-detached (side-by-side duplexes), narrow built houses and row houses.
- In the summer of 2018, city administration will present to the Urban Planning Committee, additional opportunities for semi-detached in RF1, the single detached housing zone that exists here and in most mature neighbourhoods. Currently, semi-detached are permitted on corner lots but proposed changes could permit semi-detached to be built anywhere a single detached house may be constructed.
Please Note:
A test case is coming forward to city council's public hearing on Monday, January 22 at 1:30 p.m. In High Park, an application was made to rezone a corner lot at 15202-108 Avenue from RF1 to RF3 to build 4 units of row housing. In accordance to the Residential Infill Guidelines, row housing can only be built across from a school or park site. This lot is not close to a school and is one block away from a park. Administration states that although High Park does not have a plan, this application retains the neighbourhood's low density. When this application is approved by council, it sets a precedent for row housing on corner lots in all mature neighbourhoods that do not have an ARP. Also, if council approves secondary suites in row houses this spring, a lot could have a total of 8 units! Since many homeowners use their garage for storage, row houses with secondary suites could have 8+ vehicles parked on the street!
Councillor Knack - Community Conversation
Monday, March 26 from 6:30pm - 9:00 pm at Boys and Girls/Big Brothers Big Sisters West Club, 16030 104 Ave. Ward 1 residents can hear updates from Councillor Knack on current issues in our ward. We will also have an opportunity to ask questions and bring up concerns in our communities.
City of Edmonton Winter Excitement Guide 2017/2018
Jasper Place Historic Resources Inventory
Do you remember this scene?
The City of Edmonton, with Heritage Consultants, Donald Luxton & Associates, are launching an exciting project to develop a Historic Resources Inventory for the Jasper Place area (which includes the Britannia-Youngstown, Canora, Glenwood and West Jasper Place neighbourhoods). The consultant team will be working closely with community stakeholders over the next four months to develop a historic context and list of up to 44 historic resources in the community that can be added to the City’s Historic Resources Inventory. Sites on the City’s inventory are not legally protected, but are eligible for designation (by the owner’s request) which will allow them access to funding at the city and provincial level. The consultant team is interested in hearing from you to help build the historical profile for the community. If you have any historical photographs of the neighbourhood, or old documents relevant to the former Town of West Jasper Place (incorporated in 1950) or any other aspect of the neighbourhood, please contact us at the below email or phone number.
We are also undertaking interviews of early members of the community so if you know of anyone of interest, please let us know. We will be providing updates through the West Jasper Place Community League Communication Director over the next few months. Please stay tuned for details on an upcoming Open House in the new year.
Over the next couple of months, we will be in the neighbourhood taking pictures of houses and buildings. Please don’t hesitate to drop by and say hi.
We are very much looking forward to working in this important historical neighbourhood!
Laura Pasacreta, Branch Lead
Donald Luxton & Associates
403 457 4011
Epcor Drainage-Sewer Construction Update
Work is continuing at 151 St. and 99 Ave. to rehabilitate the sewer line along 151 Street from 99th Avenue to 100th Avenue. Construction of an additional shaft at 150th Street and 99th Avenue has now begun. Epcor is also reminding residents to report sewer gas smells in their homes to 311.