Upcoming Events

There are no events on the calendar right now. Please check back again soon.

Regular Events

Carpet Bowling (1 - 3 pm)

Progressive Rummy (5:30 to 9:30 pm)
You don’t need a partner, just drop in. The cost is $5.00 per person. Beverages are provided. Payout is based on the number of players.

NEW! Thursdays:
Kids and Parents Group (2 - 4 pm)

Baptist Church Prayer Service (7 - 10 pm)

Free Public swim at Commonwealth* (3 - 5 pm)
* temporary location
(League membership proof required)

Baptist Church Service (10 am)

Free Public swim at Commonwealth* (1 - 3 pm)
* temporary location
(League membership proof required)

Board Game Night (6:30pm on the 3rd Sunday of the month)

Visit our Programs page for more details.