Upcoming Events
- Apr 24 2025
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Regular Events
Carpet Bowling (1 - 3 pm)
Progressive Rummy (5:30 to 9:30 pm)
You don’t need a partner, just drop in. The cost is $5.00 per person. Beverages are provided. Payout is based on the number of players.
Kids and Parents Group (2 - 4 pm)
Free Public swim at Jasper Place (5 - 7 pm)
(League membership proof required)
Free Public swim at Jasper Place (4 - 6 pm)
(League membership proof required)
Board Game Night (6:30pm)
Visit our Programs page for more details.
Save the Date: AGM on April 24th
Save the date! Our AGM is April 24th!
We will be offering a free community dinner to start the evening off. Help us be the league you want to see! We are looking for new directors and volunteers. Do you have experience planning events, using social media, organizing group activities, or with financials? We'd love YOUR help! Be a neighbourhood leader! If interested in serving on the board or as a general volunteer please email contact@westjaspersherwood.ca
Winter Greetings from West Jasper Sherwood Community
Winter greetings from West Jasper Sherwood Community League! New year, new community league. We are under new management and turning a new leaf!
What would you do to make our neighbourhood the best it can be? We'd love to hear from you! Tell us your passions, skills and interests. contact@westjaspersherwood.ca. We want to do more for you, our neighbors! Thank you for being a part of our community.